Thursday 12 August 2010

Liam Ó Maonlaí Hothouse FlowersLiam Ó Maonlaí of Hothouse Flowers
listens to Niceol Blue on Quay Street, Galway

"Spend long enough on Quay Street, Galway, and you'll eventually see everyone in the world," said the man at the bar in Tigh Neachtain's (Naughton's).

Niceol Blue from Oregon was singing when Liam Ó Maonlaí of Hothouse Flowers stopped to listen.

Mindful, I'm sure, of his own days busking in Grafton Street in Dublin, Liam fished unobtrusively in his pockets for the coinage of appreciation. When Niceole had finished singing, he dropped the money into her guitar case, complimented her quietly and moved on.

On hearing who her celebrated fan was and that I had managed to capture the moment on camera, she was delighted.

'Don't Go' - Hothouse Flowers

"And there's a black cat lying in the shadow of the gatepost
And the black cat tells me that love is on the way
There's a black cat lying in the shadow of the gatepost
And the black cat tells me that love is on the way

Don't go Don't leave me now, now, now

While the sun smiles
Stick around and laugh a while,
stick around and laugh a while"

Complete lyrics at